Brolin’s Cable in Deadpool 2 saw the time-traveling soldier enter the present day on a mission to execute mutant Russell Collins (Julian Dennison) before he grows up to murder his family. As ...
Cable wants to kill Russell, thinking that that will prevent the future that he is from. Deadpool has a different idea. What if they can prevent Russell by convincing him his future plans aren’t ...
Wolverine learns that the purpose of the X-Cutioners was to destroy humanity and the issue later introducing the Legacy 2.0 virus shows exactly how Stryfe planned on making that happen. Wolverine has ...
Rob Liefeld, the creator of both Deadpool and Cable, is done with Marvel. The comic book writer and artist announced he’d no longer be working with the company he’s been a part of for more ...
A description of Weapon X-Men reads, “WOLVERINE! DEADPOOL! CABLE! CHAMBER! THUNDERBIRD! Together on their very own X-team for the very first X-time – all in an X-tra-sized first issue!
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I'd have to find a writer and do all that work, but maybe, who knows? There was certainly a lot going on in Deadpool & Wolverine, and obviously the point of the movie was to focus on the two ...
"COMIC URBAN LEGEND: Marvel changed the names of X-Force, Deadpool and Cable to avoid paying Rob Liefeld royalties. STATUS: False" Like that. Saying "at the time, some conspiracy theorists argued ...