Video footage from Wisconsin shows local police officers using a drone to rescue three deer that had fallen into an icy lake.
In my long career of writing about whitetail deer hunting, I’ve interviewed dozens ... and probably get away with the blunder on a doe or young buck. But a mature buck is having none of it.
Watch a Lion and Crocodile Play Tug of War with a Zebra Carcass Well, nature can be pretty shocking. Regardless, the whitetail doe likely benefited from the high-protein snack of a dead serpent.
An avowed meat hunter made short work of christening his new bow during Iowa’s 2024 archery season, taking home venison with gristle that can be measured in inches. Knoxville bowhunter Jon Pierce ...
Coyotes, hunting pressure, and malnutrition and disease are the main causes of mortality among adults.” According to the NDA, the oldest known whitetail deer in history was a doe in the Kerr Wildlife ...