And there are only two farms that take their cheese to the next level, making Boeren Goudse Oplegkaas, or aged artisanal Gouda, a special type of raw-milk farmhouse cheese that must weigh at least ...
“It really validates what we have done here.” The traditional-style Gouda, aged for 13 months, was the top cheese among 2,414 entries selected by a panel of 38 judges in Green Bay ...
Gouda adds a creamy ... Use your freezer-stored cheese -- some types of cheese fare better in the freezer than others-- when you need grated cheese in a pinch. Want a sandwich with the sharpness ...
For the second consecutive contest, an aged gouda called Arethusa Europa from Arethusa Farm Dairy in Bantam, Connecticut, received the top score of 2,414 entries in the U.S. Championship Cheese ...