Oct. 25 from 5:30 to 7 p.m., with a Trunk-or-Treat set up around the square. Participating businesses on the square will be ...
If you soon find yourself headed to a trunk-or-treat, here’s how to make it easy ... s’mores-flavored candy corn) or a car ...
With trunk-or-treat, every candy stop is in one specific area. Trunk-or-treat events have been expanded to become part of fall festivals and include other activities such as baseball games ...
The Harrison VFW Post 7570 will host their 5th annual Easter Trunk or Treat on Saturday, April 19 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The event will feature goodie bags for the kids and a decorated hardboiled egg ...
Lindt Gold Bunnies are a trademark Easter basket item. Costco is selling two 7-ounce bunnies for $13.99, which is a great ...
Here are places revelers can show off their costumes, grab candy and enjoy some Halloween fun in the coming days: Trunk or Treat, 4-7 p.m., Woman & Child Health Center, 402 N. 7th St., Longview.