There aren’t enough fish and living by the lake has become ... That fishermen like Phat can no longer rely on the Tonle Sap, literally the “Great Lake,” for their livelihood reflects how ...
While scientists don’t know exactly how the fish move, the Mekong giant catfish is believed to spend much of its time feeding in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake and then migrating hundreds of miles ...
The Tonlé Sap lake is partly fed by the Mekong River, which floods every year during the rainy season. The floods greatly ...
The muddy water and shifting currents of the Tonle Sap form a natural fish factory, nurturing finger-length silverfish, 650-pound catfish, and hundreds of species in between. The bounty supports a ...
The new French PM set to battle the political chaos The six giant fish were found in five days. The first two were on the Tonle Sap River, which is near the capital city of Phnom Penh. On Tuesday ...
The captured fish were apparently migrating from their floodplain habitats near Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake northward along the Mekong River, likely to spawning grounds in northern Cambodia ...
“In Asia, we have the most birds because of this lake, because of the abundance of fish,” says our Aqua Expeditions guide Vuthy. Tonlé Sap is connected to the mighty Mekong River and swells ...