A shocking video shows what prey often see during their last moments ... Nascimento opened a crate of fish to toss to several tiger sharks, one of them snapped at the diver holding a camera.
Tiger sharks are ambush predators, relying on stealth and surprise to catch their prey. At Tiger Beach you’re not blindly paddling or swimming at the surface of the water, like most attack victims.
Two Russian divers were reported missing off a popular resort in Batangas province in February. The following day, news reports said they were found dead and were attacked by sharks. Later, autopsy ...
Sand tiger sharks, also known as gray nurse sharks ... which allows them to float motionless in the water, seeking prey. They are voracious predators, feeding at night and generally staying ...
Lurking around the edges of reefs during the day, tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) have evolved as highly aggressive "top" predators that grow at least 25 feet long. They detect prey using an ...
Divers hanging out with a school of tiger sharks in the Bahamas had ... spits it back up as it reconsiders its choice of prey. Amazingly, the shark even manages to capture a glimpse of three ...
A non-profit organization focused on monitoring and conserving marine life is tracking several large sharks off the coast of ...
Tiger sharks are extremely cautious in how they approach prey, Holland said, but white sharks are much more aggressive. “This is guesswork. I think the majority of times a tiger shark bites a ...
They time their arrival to coincide with this gluttony of easy prey, and will often travel long distances to do so. In fact, Tiger sharks have such impeccable time keeping skills that they have ...