A three-legged lion and his brother made a record-breaking swim across a river teeming with crocodiles and hippos in a ...
A cute video of lion cubs that swim across a river to get to their mom. ‘We’re Just a Little Hurt’—Canadian, Minnesota Border Towns Wonder if They Are Still BFFs ‘Easily one of the best ...
Jordan Bita preferred to risk his life swimming across a roaring river than stay at home and be conscripted by rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
said the Emperor. ‘The first twelve animals to swim across the river will have a year named after them.’ The animals were excited. ‘I would like to be the first to cross the river,’ said ...
They’re trucking the salmon past the Englebright Dam and releasing them into the lower Yuba River, so they may continue swimming toward the Pacific Ocean. In recent years, crews have ...
“A heartwarming rescue story unfolded on Monday afternoon when a small pink poodle, later identified as ‘Molly,’ was saved after a perilous swim across the Passaic River,” the agency said ...
Officer Makbul said: “It’s being assumed that those three tried to swim across the river on Saturday, but drowned when they failed to do so.” He said legal measures would be taken over the ...