But, as the old advertising aphorism claimed ... Naturally, the honeybee was there again to push the new sweetened cereal, ...
Not all cereal is bad, but experts say this one is the worst. High in sugar and sodium, it offers little nutritional value.
Some of the most popular cereals for adults and children have a worryingly high sugar content. Kellogg's Coco-Pops, Crunchy Nut, and Frosties all have 11 grams of sugar per 30-gram portion ...
Are sugar-free cereals actually healthier ... rice have no sugar and can be topped with nutritious berries. Good old Cheerios have 1 gram of naturally occurring sugar but no added or artificial ...
Cereal manufacturers in Britain have come under heavy fire after it emerged that some of the best cereal brands contain very high levels of sugar and salt. Cereal manufacturers in Britain have ...
But despite its popularity, breakfast cereal has come under fire in recent years for the high sugar content of some varieties and the way they’re marketed. A recent report by the Food Foundation ...
A new study shows that advertising aimed directly at kids is driving sales of high-sugar cereals, and it's having a negative impact on children's diets. NPR's Maria Godoy has more. MARIA GODOY ...
Did you know that a bowl of cereal and milk can provide as much protein as an egg? On this National Cereal Day, rediscover ...
But, nutritionists say there are some healthy options out there. Cereals often get a bad rap as many are ultra-processed and laden with sugar," explains nutritionist Jenna Hope. "However, if you dig ...