Stomata, microscopic pores on plant leaves, regulate gas exchange and water loss by opening or closing in response to environmental cues. Guard cells surrounding each stoma regulate this process by ...
This is the basis for the opening and closing of a stoma, known as stomatal movement, which controls gas exchange necessary for photosynthesis and limits water loss. How do guard cells change ...
Anion transport by unidentified guard-cell channels closes the stomatal pore and the first component for this channel function has now been found. You have full access to this article via your ...
Plant biologists, including Prof. Jörg Kudla from the WWU Münster have shown: A mechanical injury of plant leaves causes rapid stomatal closure. This closure process is initiated by the plant hormone ...
"We were able to show mite infestation induced a rapid stomatal closure response, with the plant hormone ABA rising in the leaf tissues—highest in stomatal and vascular cells, but also all other ...