I've been making sourdough bread for a year. I don't feed my starter regularly and don't time stretch-and-folds precisely, ...
If you have ever stared at a moldy piece of bread and a fuzziness is viewed you are looking at colonies of spores. Spores ...
The loaf of bread you bought a couple ... of romaine lettuce sandwiched between two slices of sourdough. Classic. Oh no, what's this? Mold? But look, good new. The mold's only on part of the ...
This was the problem faced by home baker Erik Fabian, who turned to fellow baker and industrial designer, Jennifer Yoko Olson ...
From sourdough starters to banana bread, the meals we made in isolation became a communal experience. We cooked not just to ...
How do you make a sourdough starter, and what’s the best recipe for a sourdough loaf? Get baking during lockdown with this ultimate guide and recipe for the perfect sourdough loaf. During ...
Sourdough bread uses wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria for leavening, offering nutritional benefits and easier digestion. Mold, a fungus, thrives in moist, warm environments and breaks down ...