For current and former smokers, statins may reduce the amount of chest muscle loss, while aspirin may contribute to increased chest muscle loss, according to a new study.
Muscles can only contract and relax, so they always work in pairs called antagonistic muscles. Skeletal muscle is joined to bones. Its cells contract to make bones move and joints bend.
A collaborative study led by Prof. Liu Guanghui from the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dr. Wang ...
Skeletal muscle is a subtype of muscle formed of bundles of elongated, cylindrical, multinucleate muscle fibres arranged in a striated pattern. Skeletal muscle is attached to the skeleton by ...
Sex differences in susceptibility to muscle damage are also of interest. This overview will briefly examine these questions and summarise the current evidence for oestrogenic influence on skeletal ...
In former and current smokers Statins may reduce chest muscle loss in smokers, while aspirin could increase it.
For current and former smokers, statins may reduce the amount of chest muscle loss, while aspirin may contribute to increased chest muscle loss, according to a new study.