Stop-arm violations have nearly doubled this school ... This year from August until now we have averaged 30 per month,” said Tugmon. The school bus also caught the incident.
Cameras on Laredo buses caught over 2,100 vehicles illegally passing while stop arms were out, prompting calls for stronger ...
Marge retires at the end of the school year, which will be a big blow. The higher ups tell News 3 she’s one of their best ...
The school bus safety program is a collaboration between the school district, the Miami-Dade Sheriff’s Office, and BusPatrol, ...
Moreno said whenever there's a stop sign that comes out of the bus, all cars are supposed to stop on both sides of the ...
United ISD will announce the results of its Bus Safety Pilot Program, which used stop-arm cameras to track illegal passing of ...
This was a scary scene at a Michiana bus stop after a driver ignored the flashing and stop arm of a Penn Harris Madison Corporation School Bus.
If you don't stop driving when you see a school bus with its arm extended, you'll face a $250 fine in Fairfax County soon.
Drivers can expect a hefty fine if they pass a school bus picking-up or dropping-off students in Fairfax County, Virginia.