When it comes to Roman Emperors and their fate, a big mystery appears that has baffled historians and archaeologists alike for centuries.
From 27 B.C.E. to 180 C.E., the Roman Empire saw a period of relative tranquility and prosperity now known as the Pax Romana ...
Lifting the curtain on the life of the controversial emperor Tiberius.
A s was the Roman custom, Augustus adopted his stepson Tiberius as his heir, and Tiberius became Rome’s second emperor in 14 ...
Augustus had outlived his preferred heirs - his two grandsons. So when he died, it was his son-in-law, Tiberius, who became emperor. Tiberius knew he was not first choice. So did everybody else.
Enough of the Princeps, what remains to be described, is the monster….
taking plots of land near remote Roman forts. Rome was not always able to honor the important promise of land. In 14 AD, just after Tiberius had become emperor, a mutiny broke out among legions in ...
In 37 A.D., the Roman Senate annuls Tiberius’ will and proclaimed Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, aka Caligula (Little Boots), emperor.
Pagan Rome, 37 A.D. As the frail, syphilis-ridden, and half-mad Emperor Tiberius nears the end of ... much to the disgust of the Roman Senate. Now a dangerous megalomaniac, Caligula declares ...