Andrew Fire and Craig Mello first demonstrated RNAi in C. elegans in 1998, a discovery recognized in 2006 when they won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.1 Interest exploded in 2001 when ...
RNAi in Plants I take exception with your claim in The Scientist1 that RNAi was first discovered in Caenorhabditis elegans. While the term "RNAi" was first coined by Fire and colleagues,2 several ...
The nematode C. elegans, long a favorite of geneticists ... RNAs in the Germline Researchers first discovered RNA interference (RNAi) in nematodes and plants, and are now finding similar small RNAs at ...
the C. elegans ortholog of TDP-43, results in an abnormal accumulation of double-stranded RNA (Saldi et al, 2014). We are currently testing the hypothesis that loss of TDP-43 nuclear function, as well ...