Replacing a mass planting of boxwoods gives you the opportunity to diversify your landscape and try native or underused ...
Semi-ripe cuttings can be taken to propagate boxwood bushes in summer or the alternative is to take semi-hardwood cuttings in winter. Take healthy six-inch stems and strip off the lower half of ...
Boxwood mites are another pest to be on the ... One of the best ways to bring good insects into your garden is by growing a variety of plants that will produce a steady supply of blooms throughout ...
According to the MSU Extension Office, the first sign of a box tree moth infestation is yellowing. If the plant appears damaged, it should be checked for caterpillars “which are lime green with black ...
Like clockwork, roots would appear on the bottom of each cutting, sometimes just three weeks after planting. By the end of summer, even the sluggish varieties had roots.