Prom season is officially upon us. This means social media will soon be flooded with images of high school students shopping for their perfect prom dress and GRWM videos of younger generations ...
Xpress is committed to offering this platform for all voices, but when the tone of the discussion gets nasty or strays off topic, we believe many people choose not to participate. Xpress editors are ...
Two Men and a Truck, MIX 95.7 and Magic 104.9 partnered to give out prom dresses for free later this month. This is the ...
As prom season approaches, excitement builds among high school students in Canyon County. Thanks to the Princess Project, many can find their dream gowns and tuxedos for just $10.
COMSTOCK PARK, Mich. — West Michigan Two Men and a Truck is hosting a prom dress drive to help alleviate the financial stress that comes along with the high school event. Politics:Michigan House ...