Petrom, the largest oil and gas producer in South Eastern Europe, is introducing the leading Enterprise Resource... 16. Oktober 2006, 00:00 Petrom, the largest oil and gas producer in South ...
February 4, 2025 Romania's OMV Petrom quarterly profit sinks 57% on weaker prices, regulatory pressure Romanian oil and gas group OMV Petrom reported a 57% slump in fourth-quarter adjusted ...
Ministrul economiei şi comerţului, Dan Ioan Popescu, a anunţat lista scurtă a companiilor rămase în cursa privatizării Petrom. Din 15 nume, câte erau la început, au mai ramas doar trei ...
OMV Petrom started construction of a new plant for production of sustainable aviation fuel and renewables-based diesel at the 4.5-million tpy Petrobrazi refinery in southeast Romania. OMV ...
Amsterdam-based DRI, a renewables subsidiary of Ukraine’s DTEK, has signed a PPA with Romanian energy producer OMV Petrom in Romania. Under the terms of the agreement, OMV Petrom will purchase ...