“We provide evidence supporting the occurrence of a mutualistic symbiosis, unrecognized so far, which accounts for the severe impact of this parasite-pathogen association on honeybee health,” ...
Parasites that exhibit a complex life cycle require a definitive host for reproduction and one or more intermediate host species for growth and development. Vector-borne pathogens are transmitted ...
Basics of Host-Parasite Ecology The terms parasite, pathogen, and infectious disease are often used interchangeably in disease ecology to describe organisms that live in or on and obtain resources ...
a deadly tropical disease caused by a parasite, drove a strong pulse of natural selection in the Amazon roughly seven thousand years ago—the first documented example of pathogen-driven natural ...
brucei parasite constantly changes a surface coat ... Thus, the bulk of VSG diversity—the key determinant of the pathogen's ...
Using large-scale screening, the researchers searched for genes whose loss does not kill the pathogen but halts its development in the liver phase. They tested 1,500 different parasite variants ...
Despite the ubiquity of parasites and pathogens in all ecosystems, our understanding of their significance in mediating predator-prey interactions, primary production, energy flow and nutrient cycling ...
The immune system responds to an infection by producing antibodies that recognize and bind to the cell surface of the ...
Malaria is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium ... processes is crucial in order to specifically combat the pathogen at different stages of development. The team identified the chromatin ...
The immune system responds to an infection by producing antibodies that recognize and bind to the cell surface of the pathogen, thus marking it as an intruder and triggering an immune response. For ...