Frederick Louis Bodreau Jr. was contracted by Rocky Point Management to make a jump from an airplane on July 8, 1928 to ...
Daniel Hughes, 70, took up skydiving as a hobby. After his recent accident, his 92-year-old mother put a stop to his airborne adventures.
“I was inspired to join the air cadets by Mr. (Jim) Browne, one of my teachers. He holds the rank of captain with the cadets.
The combat freefall jump of military combat parachute system was carried out from an altitude of 27,000ft with a full combat ...
The jump was carried out by Wg Cdr Vishal Lakhesh VM(G), Master Warrant officer (MWO) RJ Singh and MWO AA Baidya. Last month ...
The 412th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne), a U.S. Army Reserve unit based in Columbus will conduct airborne operations at ...
A CORONER has reached a conclusion over the death of an experienced skydiver after a parachute jump from Croatia’s highest viaduct. An inquest into the death of James Allen was formally concluded at ...