Cocktails aren't exactly the cheapest alcoholic drinks you can order at a restaurant or bar, but there's a big leap from paying $15 or $20 to shelling out $20,000 for a mixed drink. Among the ...
Imagine then the experience of being seated at Tokyo's Ritz-Carlton, enjoying a glass of the luxury establishment's Diamonds Are Forever Martini—aka the most expensive cocktail in the world.
But at $34 for four shrimp, this is hardly the most expensive shrimp cocktail in the United States. At heritage steakhouses, beachside dining rooms and birthday-destination chains, diners are ...
The Belfast city centre hotel earned the Guinness Book of Records title for the world’s most expensive cocktail in 2007 with its £750 Mai Tai. However, that was overtaken in 2013 by a cocktail which ...
Merchant Hotel unveils most expensive cocktail ever sold in Belfast at £1,000Opens in new window Merchant’s cocktail bar awarded two pins in ‘Michelin guide for bars’Opens in new window ...