Maryland is the most recent state to introduce legislation to exonerate those convicted of witchcraft centuries ago. But why now?
There are still many misconceptions and stereotypes when it comes to witchcraft. Namely, people believe all modern witchcraft is associated with the devil. But, this is not the case. Mankey said ...
What is the 'modern' version of a witch hunt? As was the case in Salem, modern witch hunts involve the trial and persecution of people who have been accused of witchcraft. The hunts can often ...
A bill introduced in the state House by Maryland lawmakers could exonerate individuals accused or convicted of witchcraft ...
Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic and its founder, Gardner, is considered the “father of modern witchcraft.” ...
Thanks to these experiences, Jacobi is comfortable living out of the (broom) closet — a tongue-in-cheek term that some modern witches use to refer to openly practicing witchcraft. She grew up ...
In this piece, I argue that witchcraft is a myth ravaging the lives of many Africans; and witch-hunting needs an urgent ...
The sole sponsor of a state resolution aimed at exonerating nearly a dozen colonial Marylanders accused of witchcraft or ...
Witchcraft close witchcraftIn a historical context, this was thought to be a kind of magic that could be used to cause harm to people or property. Witches were often accused of obtaining their ...