I study how humans and other animals learn, and my research involves working with many different species, from bees to pigeons and crawfish. Part of my work involves paying attention to conditions ...
There are many famous examples of animals who seem to understand human language. But is there any real science behind them?
Animals have their own emotions and, yes, even mental health struggles. Sometimes, their quirky habits could be a sign they’re dealing with underlying mental health problems. Just like us, they need a ...
Emerging research reveals that animals can experience mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD, similar to humans. Observable behaviors like trembling, self-harm, and destructive ...
Many zoos around the country are taking an “environmental enrichment” approach to their enclosures to improve not only the physical but also mental well-being of the animals. Animals’ lives ...
Animals sometimes help people improve their mental health through animal-assisted intervention, or AAI, which includes service animals, therapy animals, and emotional support animals, or ESAs.
wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Scientists are now digging up evidence that animals can also help improve mental health, even for people with challenging disorders. Though the studies are ...
Are there any animals with mental disabilities? – Adria G. Max was a fun-loving Labrador retriever who enjoyed going for car rides and greeting clients at his owner’s office. But around age 16 ...