Herugrim is the sword of Théoden ... from Helm Hammerhead to Lord of the Rings’ King Théoden. "Herugrim" is an Old English name translating to "very fierce" or "cruel" (via Bosworth Toller's ...
Éowyn (Miranda Otto) is a shieldmaiden from Rohan and the niece of King Théoden (Bernard Hill), the ruler of the country at the time of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Many of Éowyn's peers disapprove ...
Perhaps one of the most morally ambiguous characters in the entire Lord of the Rings franchise is that of ... for all to hear that “Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king” which is obviously ...
Aragorn comes with a sword that can be sheathed ... It's the return of the king! The landmark 10th series of Lord of the Rings movie action figures from DST includes the man himself, Aragorn ...