Offering tulsi leaves and reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama (a list of his 1000 names ... Empowered by the collective strength of all gods, she vanquished the demon, representing the triumph ...
Keep in mind that this isnā€™t just a list of the best guitar ... Here are our guitar gods (and goddesses!): the 30 most influential lead guitarists of all time.
Many gods were believed to have taken part in the founding of Rome. All were consulted and honored to make sure that the actions of the state met with divine approval. Roman religion was split in ...
A God of War set in Ancient Egypt has been rumored for the longest time, and if it actually happens, there are a handful of gods that need to appear.
MUM: Many gods! Imagineā€¦ Back in 150 AD a group of Roman soldiers are going on a dangerous mission, north of the Antonine Wall into enemy territory. They need all the luck they can get so they ...