While they didn’t provide high-quality lighting, they were crucial for setting the mood, be it on set or in person. Lava lamps also reflected the zeitgeist. The Sixties were dominated by ...
Following is a transcript of the video. Narrator: Lava lamps might be the most cult item of lighting in the world. Since their invention in 1963, millions of the lamps have been sold across the globe.
As a lover of lava lamps, [Julian Butler] knew when he saw a coworker’s modern LED incarnation of the classic piece of illuminated decor that he had to have one for himself. The only problem was ...
With the rise of retro-inspired design and the embrace of mood lighting, lava lamps are once again gracing desks, shelves, and side tables. Their hypnotic glow pairs perfectly with trends like ...
Jessica Orwig: No. It really does look like human fat. Jones: That's me and my boss opening up a lava lamp. [glugging] Oh! Are we getting these noises, guys? Our goal was simple: to figure out ...
This will be the main liquid in your lava lamp. Choose a food colouring and add a few drops to the jar, it should sink to the bottom underneath the oil. Adjust the amount based on your desired ...
The Lava Lamp system goes beyond single-point temperature measurements by leveraging an elastic network of infrared cameras, a central gateway hub, and cloud infrastructure with video feed storage and ...