The gluteus medius is situated on the top ... Cross your right ankle over the left knee and lift your left knee to your chest. Reach the hands through the thighs and clasp them behind the left ...
and perform a left side leg lift. Repeat 20 squats total; 10 side leg lifts on each side. The clam targets your gluteus medius specifically, making it the perfect move to combat dead butt syndrome.
“The gluteus medius is responsible for abduction or lateral ... With a flat back, bend your right knee and shift your hips back, keeping your left leg straight. Keep your toes pointed forward ...
“The gluteus medius also stabilises the pelvis ... Take 10 steps to the left, before doing the same to the right. You can do clamshells with or without a band to practice hip abduction.
Gluteus medius tears are painful with weight bearing and also do cause pain with exercise. Therefore the patients with a gluteus medius tear do not want to participate in physical therapy much, as ...