and young children are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning. The frequentness of lead in everyday life may come as a surprise, especially because "by the 1990s, nearly every country had ...
A young California condor from the L.A. Zoo had been flying freely for only three months when he died after ingesting a lead ...
Thousands of children in New Jersey have high lead levels in their blood, putting their health at significant risk, data ...
Thousands of children could be suffering from undiagnosed lead poisoning causing them to have a lower IQ and learning difficulties, experts have warned. Researchers claim the lifelong impacts of e ...
Lead poisoning poses the single greatest threat to California condors. Even a small amount of lead can be fatal to a condor ...
The Chicago Housing Authority must pay more than $24 million to two residents who sued over alleged lead paint poisoning of their two children, a Cook County jury decided Wednesday. The case ...
Cleveland’s ongoing quest to protect the city’s future -- its children -- from lead paint is stumbling. It needs help; the ...
Since the 1970s, U.S. efforts to eradicate childhood lead poisoning have made remarkable progress. But the advances have been uneven. Legacy lead – in paint, plumbing, yards, well-water or even ...
According to Dr. Piyush Ranjan, Vice-Chairperson of the Institute of Liver Gastroenterology & Pancreatico Biliary Sciences at Sir Gangaram Hospital, emphasized, "This case is a stark reminder of ...
“It is terrifying,” she says. According to court papers, at least 30 people have died in the last eight years from the effects of lead poisoning. Residents believe the number could be highe ...