With her Wolf Hall books, novelist Hilary Mantel made Tudor bad guy Thomas Cromwell sympathetic. But as a new TV adaptation ...
Based on Hilary Mantel's novel "The Mirror & the Light," the last installment in the acclaimed television series chronicles ...
Sometimes just one person changes things, like Henry VIII. When Henry was 18, he became King of England. He loved music, dancing and playing sports, like jousting and archery. But he got angry if ...
Catherine Parr is now best remembered for being the sixth and final wife of King Henry VIII. “Divorced, beheaded, died; ...
Being King Henry VIII’s lover was a dangerous game—just ask his six ill-fated wives. Yet no one played that game better than Elizabeth Blount, one of Henry’s most important yet little-known mistresses ...
On his deathbed Tudor King Henry VIII remembers his long reign, especially the crucial part his six marriages played in it, without producing the male heir he desired most to prevent civil wars ...
The women of the Helena Collective, an all-female vocal ensemble, are reviving their award-winning production of 6/VIII: The ...
became King Henry VIII. Soon after he obtained the papal dispensation required to allow him to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon. In the first years of his reign Henry VIII ...
King Henry VIII was King of England from 1509 until his death in 1547. He is best known for having six wives, whom he either divorced, had beheaded or died - except for Catherine Parr who survived ...
Henry, Duke of Cornwall, eldest son of Henry VIII and his queen Katherine of Aragon was buried ... bells and bonfires were set off in celebration and the King rode to Walsingham to give thanks. On ...
The coronation of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon took place on Sunday 24th June 1509. The ceremony is illustrated in the mortuary roll of Abbot Islip dated 1532 in the Abbey's archives. The day ...
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