And Hoek admits the reinterpretation hasn't and won't change physics. But carefully inspecting Newton's ... "A great deal of ink has been spilt on the question what the law of inertia is really for," ...
Physicists in Germany have led experiments that show the inertia of electrons can form 'tornadoes' inside a quantum semimetal ...
All are familiar with one of the many definitions given in the works on physics, of the term Vis Inertia— a want of power in a body to move itself when at rest or to come to rest when in motion.
Derived originally from physics, the concept of inertia refers to the tendency of things to remain as they are—whether they’re in motion or at rest. For change to occur, what's required is a ...
And Hoek admits the reinterpretation hasn't and won't change physics. But carefully inspecting ... been spilt on the question what the law of inertia is really for," explains Hoek, who was puzzled ...