Autosub Boaty McBoatface has uncovered a little Kodak deployed 55 years ago in an attempt to photograph Nessie ...
Een man aan de kust van Dores Beach, Schotland, deelde beelden van het Loch Ness-monster dat zogenaamd uit de diepten van het water opdook, en de post ging viraal op sociale media. O post Internetgebr ...
Een oplettende ooggetuige die de foto recentelijk maakte, heeft het ’bewijs’ overhandigd aan het Loch Ness Centrum in Inverness ...
A man was visiting Dores Beach in Scotland when he reportedly saw something in the water and took a photo — could it be the Loch Ness Monster? he Loch Ness Centre/SWNS A man may have gotten the ...
A mysterious black hump filmed “rising and falling” is believed by an enthusiast to be the Loch Ness Monster, finally caught on camera. Eoin O’Faodhagain was watching for the fabled beast ...
A man on the shores of Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the elusive Loch Ness monster emerging from the depths of the loch, the first potential Nessie sighting reported to The Loch Ness Centre ...
There’s something fishy going on at Scotland’s Dores Beach. Could it be the Loch Ness Monster? Well, it just might be because, according to the Loch Ness Centre, a man reported the first ...
1. Loch Ness is VERY deep. In fact, it has more water in it than all of the lakes in England and Wales combined. “You think about how deep that water is, and it's no surprise that people imagine ...
Eenmaal daar leek William vooral geïnteresseerd in een specifiek vraagstuk: hebben ze de technologie om het monster van Loch Ness op te sporen? Wills was duidelijk gefascineerd door het werk van ...
A man on the shores of Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the elusive Loch Ness monster emerging from the depths of the loch, the first potential Nessie sighting reported to The Loch Ness Centre ...