Cattle-rearing generates more global warming greenhouse gases, as measured in CO2 equivalent, than transportation, and smarter production methods, including improved animal diets to reduce enteric ...
Minimizing emissions from cattle farming is essential for combating rising global temperatures.  "Cattle are the No. 1 ...
A new study out Monday finds that even in the most optimistic scenarios, grass-fed beef is no less carbon-intensive than ...
Actually, you're doing more to combat global warming by what's not on your plate. Especially if it's red meat. A study found ...
The 2016 Paris Agreement called for actions to keep global warming to only 1.5 o C ... This project will explore carbon offset options for livestock producers in the Mountain West. We will generate a ...
THE FACTS: Cows fart. That contributes to global warming. But cow burps are worse for the climate. “Cows are pretty disgusting eaters, with methane coming from both ends,” said Christopher ...
It’s widely known that cattle burps are a major contributor to global warming. The main culprit is methane, a greenhouse gas by-product of the fermentation processes in a bovine’s rumen ...
The book "Should meat be on the menu?" explores the widely held misconception that sheep, cattle and other grazing animals ...
Scientists have managed to measure the belching and flatulence of cattle from space ... farts has a great influence on climate change and global warming. Cows themselves have done nothing wrong ...
The Food Climate Research Network has made it clear that livestock production, regardless of the species or rearing method, is a net contributor to global warming. But the current approach to ...
With "around 1.5 billion cows on the planet being raised as livestock ... methane levels "is the most efficient way to slow global warming in our lifetimes", and that "we have the chance ...