The Army by 2027 plans to field its first “human-machine integrated formation platoons,” a transformational shift that the ...
“The proper combination of humans and machines” could help some of the Army’s heavy units drop weight to make them more ...
The future infantry soldier, who already is looking at new personal armor ... Nonhuman participants such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and robotic ground platforms also would see benefits from ...
Musk unveils his dream of building legions of Optimus robots that usher in a utopian age of 'sustainable abundance' in which ...
The Marine Corps are currently testing a new robot called the multi-utility tactical transport (MUTT). MUTT is controlled remotely by a simple tablet and joystick, and future versions may even be ...
Boston Dynamics have unveiled the latest leap in development for their AI humanoid robot technology, Atlas. Video footage shows the Atlas robot crawling, cartwheeling and breakdancing using skills ...