Hello, dear readers, and welcome to the monthly letters column. We are well into the third month of the new year, and for some of us-- the data say it’ s probably most of us-- the resolutions we made ...
Your kitchen counter can become a bustling lab of bubbling jars and exciting experiments. The growing trend of home pickling ...
NASA's BioNutrients series of experiments is testing ways to use microorganisms to make nutrients that will be needed for ...
Here's how you can create a variety of fermented foods using rice water in just a few simple steps. To start the fermentation ...
The rapidly evolving technology can solve problems with supply chain, environmental changes and sustainability, while also ...
Numerous studies have looked at the effect of probiotics on this most common form of eczema. Overall, the evidence suggests ...
Filipino researchers have found a way to optimize the traditional procedure for making Philippine rice wine or "tapuy" to ...
Much like Italian gorgonzola, German sauerkraut and Norwegian rakfisk (fermented trout), Japanese natto falls into the ...