A simple eye movement trick can refresh your brain, clear mental fog, and improve focus in just 60 seconds Try this easy ...
Ten head-eye movement control tests were videotaped from a face-front perspective, with five performed in the sitting and five in the standing position. [19] Two experienced (OMT IFOMPT qualified ...
The validity of this theory has been tested in biological studies of eye-movement control, where, for instance, it was shown that a particular part of the cerebellum constitutes an inverse-dynamics ...
They then offered dogs five different scenarios repeated six times each: pointing, pointing and gazing, gazing, mimicking a ball throw, and a no-cue control. Each dog’s eye movement was then ...
Ataxia is caused by damage in cerebellum, leading to poor muscle control. Know the causes and ... Uncontrolled eye movement (nystagmus): Jerky, uncontrollable motion of the eyes that disrupts ...