A European Space Agency telescope has discovered its first "extremely rare" Einstein ring in a galaxy "not too far away" ...
The European Space Agency's Euclid space telescope was going through preliminary tests in September 2023 when it captured images of an Einstein Ring in a nearby galaxy.
Euclid, a space telescope on a mission to uncover the secrets of dark matter and dark energy, has already made a stunning discovery: a perfectly formed Einstein ring hidden in a well-known galaxy.
The Einstein ring was found surrounding the galaxy NGC 6505, located a relatively close 590 million light-years from Earth.
With the recently launched Euclid space telescope ... and introduced a cosmological constant to the field equations that would would balance out the expansion of the Universe in the model.
The release of 53 square degrees of the survey, including a preview of the Euclid Deep Field areas, is planned for March 2025 ...
"I've seen many Structural and Thermal Models in my career and I think this is the most beautiful because it's actually nearly all made from flight hardware," Giuseppe Racca, Esa Euclid project ...