The growth and lifespan of Parvancorina minchami, small anchor-shaped animals that lived on the seafloor about 550 million ...
The Mistaken Point fossils, going back 570 million years, are the earliest evidence on Earth of large, biologically complex beings. There are now more than 50 different Ediacaran forms known ...
Discovered at Nilpena Ediacara National Park, a site renowned for its rich fossil beds, Quaestio simpsonorum lived during the Ediacaran Period — a fundamental era when single-celled organisms ...
The fossils found date back to a geological and evolutionary period known as the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. This was when the Ediacaran Period, which spanned 94 million years from the end of the ...
Everyone has a past. That includes the millions of species of insects, arachnids, and nematode worms that make up a major animal group called the Ecdysozoa. Until recently, details about this ...
We study the anatomy and genetic structure of fossils to understand the evolution of organisms. Members of Jakob Vinther’s research group study a broad range of subjects. One focus of our research is ...
Areas of expertise My current research investigates fossilized embryos from the Ediacaran and Cambrian. The key objective is to understand what these fossils can tell us about the role of ...