If you've driven in the fall in Wisconsin, chances are you've either hit a deer suddenly emerging onto the road — or been in a close call. Deer are “crepuscular” prey animals with eyes that ...
$169). Imagine being able to track and spy on your favorite nocturnal animals without hurting your eyes. You’ll be able to see deer and owls while trekking through the woods at night.
Motorcyclist Safety Tips: Avoid night and low-light riding periods ... Drive focused and defensively by looking for reflecting deer eyes and silhouettes, especially during low-light times ...
Despite having few offspring per litter and their diminutive size, Mouse deer still evade predation ... with the fact that they are most active at night and dusk. Their cryptic behavioural ...
If one deer darts across the road, there’s a good chance there are more to follow. Keep your lights on and your eyes open. Deer are most active in the dawn and dusk when you have the most ...