After authorities were seen dragging a 2-year-old deer named Baby away from a woman accused of keeping him illegally, many ...
January to March: You can expect older bucks to shed before smaller, younger deer. Here ruts tend to be quicker, with few fawns coming into estrus their first year. Bucks therefore don’t ...
Tammy Shiery, 64, was arrested Feb. 25 when she tried to prevent state game wardens from seizing a two-year-old buck the ...
An Arizona Game & Fish Department wildlife officer made a new friend after removing hundreds of cholla spines from the ...
A young fawn. Recently, a woman in Pennsylvania was charged with ... Game wardens had received a call earlier that day about ...
The Pennsylvania Game Commission says Baby, the deer a woman was illegally keeping as a pet, will permanently remain at a ...
Giving a 5-year-old doe another year to produce big, healthy fawns can only benefit a deer herd. A deer herd with diverse age classes and a healthy buck-to-doe ratio will be more likely to sustain ...
Michigan’s deer roam wider in spring, leading to 11,619 crashes in spring 2023. Officials urge drivers to stay alert.
The last arrow has been launched for the 2024-25 Arkansas deer hunting season, and the tally of checked deer stands at ...