Shooting prisoners to death has consequences for the reputation of the state,” a national death penalty expert said.
Not that Biden meant anything he said. In 2024, in the ultimate weasel move, Biden commuted the sentences of 37 of federal ...
Louisiana has attempted "to give the blessing of religion" onto its death penalty practices, says Sister Helen Prejean. Still, she says the two cannot coexist.
Even as President Donald Trump and other national Republican leaders push to expand the use of capital punishment, some GOP-led states are moving in the opposite direction.
That is not the issue. The death penalty is on the books. So this is talking about, if it’s a death penalty case it’s really a sentencing reform bill to talk about a glitch in the law that takes away ...
Sign up for the Slatest to get the most insightful analysis, criticism, and advice out there, delivered to your inbox daily. Louisiana has been an anomaly in America ...
Ramos pleaded guilty to killing Sacramento police rookie Tara O’Sullivan, but a prior jury deadlocked on whether he should be put to death.