Calf prices, too, are hanging in strong, with beef-cross calves hitting new highs of $1,200/head. For Holstein heifer calves, ...
Move over, artificial insemination. Artificial intelligence has found its way onto dairy farms, and is revolutionizing the ...
Compared to last week’s sale, Choice Slaughter Steers and Heifers traded mostly 2.00 higher while Select Steers and Heifers traded 6.00 lower. Lean Dairy Cows traded mostly 2.50 lower. Holstein Bull ...
According to a release from the Iowa State University Extension Office, results from a recent study on how early nutrition ...
All Dairy Feeder steers born after January 1 are required to attend May ID/tagging day. Additional tagging for steer calves that are too young or not born by May tagging, need to contact the Extension ...
The dairy operates at capacity near Clarissa, Minnesota, to keep milk flowing and to keep the local economy strong.
A classroom pet isn’t always a workable scenario for an elementary school teacher. But when that pet can help students learn ...
Dairy-beef feeder-cattle auction prices averaged $216 per hundredweight., between dairy at $208 per hundredweight and native beef animals at $253 per hundredweight. For slaughter-cattle auction ...
As the H5N1 strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza continues to impact U.S. dairy herds in California. In response, the ...