Atlantic coral species are particularly highly threatened due to annual severe bleaching events, pollution and the impacts of ...
Large colony of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa colonized by crinoids and soft corals in 700 meters of water (Porcupine Seabight, Irish continental margin). Advanced Search Home ...
This post contributed by Nadine Lymn, ESA Director of Public Affairs Typically the size of a football field and reaching a height of several hundred meters, the production life of an offshore oil or ...
Research indicates that delicate deepwater corals tolerated or adapted to major climate and salinity fluxes, “yet today, it’s ...
The study documents the world s first effort to selectively breed adult corals for enhanced heat ... Severe Cold-Water Bleaching and Mortality of Deep-Water Reef Observed in the Eastern Tropical ...
A portable coral aquaculture system that can be packed away and moved in sea containers to remote areas to help with coral reef restoration is being ...
Until now, it was believed that kikumeishimodoki could survive in low average monthly water temperatures ... that the coral quietly and slowly migrated northward and settled in the cold sea.” ...