The gentle neck stretch works wonders in relieving tension built up over the day. Sit comfortably with a straight back, and ...
“You're only as young as your spine is flexible,” so said Joseph Pilates, the OG creator behind the low-impact practice of Pilates. And if that’s the case -thanks to years' worth of sitting ...
A survey of 2,450 women has found that three in four women struggle with rounded shoulders, a fundamental sign of spinal ...
In Week 8 of's Get Fit With Yoga series, Pushpa R shows you how to do Marjariasana, aka the Cat-Cow stretch.
Yoga is a powerful tool for melting away stress and infusing your day with tranquility. If you're a beginner, integrating ...
For symmetrical exercise, repeat this stretch again on your other side. 3. Cat/Cow Another stretch to promote flexibility throughout your body is the cat/cow exercise. This exercise may also be ...
1. Cat-Cow Stretch – Loosen up your spine and relieve tension. 2. Seated Forward Fold – Stretch your hamstrings and lower back. 3. Chest Opener – Open up your chest and shoulders for better ...
Repeat 10 times, maintaining contact with the wall. A favourite for yoga fans, the cat-cow stretch can also help promote good posture. Explaining how to get this stretch just right, Kristina says ...