Once one of the states largest caribou herds, southwestern Alaska's Mulchatna caribou herds' low population has failed to ...
Their territories range between 20 and 60 miles. BREEDING: Caribou are polygamous creatures with males defending up to 10 females with calves. Female caribou become sexually mature at three years of ...
Removing predators that feed on caribou, especially on caribou calves, is a tool to help achieve that goal, the department has argued. Peltier, commenting by email, said the effects of last year ...
Nearly twice as many calves survived last summer than the 10-year average. But controlled hunting may not be enough. In recent years, caribou herds have declined rapidly across North America.
Every year, some caribou herds migrate hundreds or even thousands of miles across the Arctic tundra. But global warming is ...
Watch in 360 as a herd of female caribou walk hundreds of kilometres north to have their calves in one of the most remote parts of northern Quebec. This is a woman's march of an altogether ...