Cal Fire-Butte County welcomed in Breathing Support 42, a vehicle parked at Butte County Volunteer Fire Station 42 in north ...
One student at Gridley High School was sent to a hospital after being stabbed Wednesday morning, according to Jake Gilliam, fire captain for Cal Fire-Butte County. First responders were dispatched to ...
Cal Fire Butte County is ramping up efforts to prepare residents for the upcoming fire season by conducting defensible space ...
Neighborhoods near Little Chico Creek are now considered in very high fire risk to wildfires. The updated map shows Picholine Way is also considered very high wildfire risk.
Eighty-five people perished in the 2018 Camp fire in Northern California. Evacuations were a major weakness. What can L.A. learn from what happened in Paradise?
More than 800,000 acres of land across these SoCal counties have been classified under the highest fire hazard severity zone ...
Cal Fire said the maps are proactive, to be used in wildland-urban interface building standards for new construction and ...
A demonstration showcasing equipment that can assist in mitigating wildfire risk was held Friday morning at Youth With A ...
CAL FIRE says that the male is stuck on a island approximately 40 feet in the Feather River and that the man's girlfriend ...