North Atlantic right whales are critically endangered, and only about 70 reproductively active females remain.
For the first time in 2025, a North Atlantic right whale mother and calf have been sighted in Cape Cod Bay.
whale biologists were able to confirm a new mother-calf whale pair. Pregnant right whales migrate southward in the Atlantic Ocean to the waters off the Florida and Georgia coasts each winter to ...
The endangered whales visit Bay each year, where researchers count and track them, hoping the species returns from the brink ...
Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking and searching for food.
Right whale calf sightings are relatively rare ... North Atlantic right whales have stocky black bodies, no dorsal fin, short pectoral fins and v-shaped blow holes. Their tails are wide ...
Their bellies may be all black or have irregularly shaped white ... Well, there is a more logical reason. North Atlantic right whale's only known calving ground is located off the coasts of ...
Aerial observers from the Center for Coastal Studies on Wednesday observed a North Atlantic right whale mother with her calf in Cape Cod Bay, approximately 5 miles west of Great Island ...