Soil, interestingly, is made of both biotic and abiotic factors. The mineral particles, water and air within soil are abiotic. But soil also teems with living organisms, including bacteria, fungi ...
The government has developed advanced crop varieties, including 1,380 cereals, 412 oilseeds, and 437 pulses. Of these, 2,661 ...
The biotic parts of the ecosystem, which include bacteria, flora and fauna, have a complex relationship with the abiotic components - changing one will lead to a change in the other.
Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. What are the abiotic and biotic interactions that structure this diverse ecosystem? Corals are members of the phylum Cnidaria ...
Agricultural sciences and plant biology increasingly focus on the resilience of plants under various stress conditions, driven by the escalating frequency ...
The biotic parts of the ecosystem, which include bacteria, flora and fauna, have a complex relationship with the abiotic components - changing one will lead to a change in the other.