But on a warm afternoon in December, 77 of these animals were captured near the town of Alpine and hauled back home to build ...
Wild sheep live in social ... in larger groups and ram fighting escalates. Usually only stronger, older rams (with bigger horns) are able to mate. In winter, bighorn herds move to lower-elevation ...
Cody Hinkley spent much of his youth outdoors. His childhood memories are full of adventures — exploring the wilderness, ...
bighorn sheep engaging in some retail therapy? Yes, you read that right. A video that has been making rounds on social media all week shows two bewildered-looking bighorn sheep crossing Palm ...
CPW terrestrial biologist Tyrel Woodward will be leading a team throughout the month of January to trap 20 bighorn sheep at an old quarry above Colorado Springs. On Tuesday, Jan. 14, CPW staffers ...
Peninsular bighorn sheep can get water from cacti ... including challenging off-road vehicle use in the Desert Cahuilla/Truckhaven area and fighting the expansion of a large gypsum mine, both in ...
Peninsular bighorn sheep can get water from cacti ... including challenging off-road vehicle use in the Desert Cahuilla/Truckhaven area and fighting the expansion of a large gypsum mine, both in ...