The show has introduced nine “lost planets” like At Attin and Legendary Jewels of the Old Republic that were hidden away for protection. But here’s the catch: most of them were destroyed ...
In the finale of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, we finally get to who The Supervisor of At Attin is. The Supervisor had been mentioned throughout the series, and we only had theories about who it was.
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So far, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has been building up the mystery of At Attin as the big point of the show. Everything regarding the world-building has centered around the planet and the mystery ...
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Viewers are eager to know why At Attin is a hidden planet in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. The new episode features Crimson Jack and the children forging a partnership to locate their home planet ...
Among them, people speculated that At Attin could be part of a secret Sith cult led from the shadows by Darth Sidious (Ian McDiarmid), but that isn't the case, thank the Force. There may still be ...