the longest river in Asia. Taiwan's status as both part of mainland China and a semi-independent nation-state is a major ...
Southeast Asia consists of eleven countries that reach from eastern India to China ... Muslim dates have been located in others coastal areas along the trade routes. A major development was the ...
India is the second-richest country in Asia, with an economy heavily centred on service industries, industrial business, and agriculture. It is a major producer of crops, including rice ...
In 2020, South Asia witnessed one of the heaviest monsoon seasons in years ... In the coming months, the incessant rains that followed led to widespread flooding across the country, affecting some ...
The countries of Southeast Asia are helping each other intimidate ... Two Malaysian lawmakers from the People’s Justice Party, one of the main parties within the country’s ruling coalition ...
All of the other countries in Southeast Asia have Muslim minorities ... For the most part, the differences among the major maddhab in Sunni Islam are relatively minor. In some cases, moreover, ...