The fate of 60 Algerians that France hopes to deport across the Mediterranean Sea has divided the two countries, further ...
Roughly 8,000-year-old remains unearthed from present-day Tunisia held a surprise: European hunter-gatherer ancestry ...
DNA recovered from archaeological remains of ancient humans who lived in what is now Tunisia and northeastern Algeria reveals ...
Rightward shift of the French political class and persistence of ‘colonial unconscious’ are contributing to mounting tensions ...
Middlebury Scholar in Residence in Dance Kari Wolfe Borni presented a thought-provoking talk on Maghrebi Contemporary Dance ...
An Algerian scientist splits his gaze between microbes and Mars ... of those microbes — with the idea they might one day use the technique to scan for ancient life among similar minerals on Mars. The ...
History has shown that food prices can incite widespread political anger in North Africa and Algeria isn’t the only country ...
If prokaryotic life existed on ancient Mars, it could have helped dolomite ... microbial fossil remnants he could expect to find his Algerian gypsum sample, but we cannot be sure that we could ...
Ancient DNA reveals that Stone Age Europeans voyaged by sea to Africa, providing the earliest proof of prehistoric ...